V Kosmetik's take on Benefits of Vitamins

Maximize long wear Mascara is packed with vitamins! A Kween has to pamper every part of the body, right? Not only does our Mascara gives you double-thick lashes, it is also Clump-free, Water-resistant and Never sticky or smudgy!

The best part is that it is Formulated with vitamin A, E and C. Vitamin A is important for normal vision, the immune system, and reproduction and vital to a healthy diet.

 Vitamin C will boost your immune system and protect your hair follicles from inflammation, toxins, and infections that are inhibiting your hair growth.  It hydrates your lashes as well and consider it a lash moisturizer. Think acidic fruits like oranges, grapefruit, pineapples, and cranberries, when considering supplement alternatives.

When vitamin E is applied to the skin, it's believed that the hair follicles also benefit from cell regeneration, and thus grow stronger and longer. When used consistently, it can make your eyelashes appear thicker, longer, and healthier.

What other reasons do you need? Stock up now!

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